1st December
Donation Entry
Facebook Event
Paul Mosley (Live)
Jack Harris (Live)
JANA (Live)
Vedantha Kumar (Live)
Ali Warren (Live)
Sascha Osbourne (Live)
Zac Evans (Live)
Need (Live)
Rob Gore (Live)
The Gillies (Live)
Mulca (Live)
Till (Live)
Archie Shuttler (Live)
Genevieve K (Live)
Eva PF (Live)
Finn Paul (Live)
Glen Hodge (Live)
Amateur Orchestra (Live)
Louis-Jordan Phillips (Live)
Neev (Live)
Steve Folk (Host/Live)
Hello, its the annual folk modern fundraiser for the homeless and in no particular order we have these amazing acts coming to perform a couple of songs each!
They'll also be a raffle and lots of other shenanigans. I'll be going onto the streets with a few helpers giving food and socks directly to people over the xmas period so its all about raising money and music.
Do come and bring your friends, please.
Doors 3pm - 11pm.